Testimonies |

Agnès Lejbowicz
Essay on the Universal White
Published in French
only by Prosveta

“The teaching of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov is exceptionally vast and elevated. He answers the question that we so often ask ourselves: how to live?
What most writers and thinkers have rejected so far is explained here: how to eat, breath, sleep, wash ourselves, how to look at things, listen to music; how to meditate and develop our imagination, our willpower; how to bring children into the world, how to educate them; how to love; how to use all our energies and increase them; how so reinforce and regenerate ourselves by capturing the rays of the sun in the morning; how to develop our sensitivity by being in contact with nature; how to respect everything that is alive and to enter in relation with the higher realms of our
Nothing has escaped the Master in order to give us directly the keys to our own future. Also, together with profound philosophical explanations, he always suggests with great simplicity various exercises, methods, practices that do not add weight to our daily life but to the contrary allow us to master it and make it more beautiful. All those methods teach us to work with the forces of Nature, with the purpose of improving ourselves, moving beyond life’s worries and troubles, freeing ourselves without hurting any creature so that we can be helpful to all mankind... |
Doctor Larry Dossey
Excerpt from the preface of G. Feuerstein
book: “The Mystery
of Light”
There are rare moments in our life when the discovery of
a particular book, teaching, or peace of wisdom simply stuns
us and leaves us breathlessly filled with awe, gratitude, and
joy. We recognize immediately that we have come upon a great
treasure. As we stand in its presence and yield to its brilliance,
we can sense immediately that it has begun to change us. That
has been my response to encountering the work of the remarkable
Bulgarian spiritual teacher Omraam Mijkhael Aivanhov.
The pages of history are littered with wise spiritual teachers.
Regardless of the truths they have spoken, many of them have
not made a great difference in people’s lives or the world
in general. What accounts for the transforming power of some
of them? Whether or not a great spiritual teaching actually engages
us depends on our openness to it of course, but on other factors
as well. It is not enough for the teaching to be true. In addition,
it must be coherent not only with former wisdom but with the
best current knowledge as well. It must convey relevance, immediacy,
and urgency. Above all, the teaching must somehow be right for
the times, and it must feel right. At some point, if
these conditions are met, magic may happen: We, and the world
around us, can be transformed.
Not only is Aivanhov’s teaching consistent with the greatest
wisdom traditions of humankind, it is at the leading edge of
our evolving knowledge about the world. This means that those
who prefer their spiritual teachings to be dusty and crusty,
archaic and arcane will need to look elsewhere. Aivanhov does
not advocate taking refuge in a sentimental past. Using reason
to the fullest, and supplementing it with his remarkable visionary
powers, he enunciates a breathtaking picture of human transformation
that is modern and up-to-date.
One of the most striking qualities of Aivanhov’s eaching
is the simplicity and clarity that shine through at every moment.
His unadorned, uncluttered words are a refreshing contrast to
the hopelessly obscure obfuscations that pass today for “spiritual” teachings.
What a joy to rediscover that authentic wisdom need not be opaque
and impenetrable!
Although Aivanhov’s teaching is consistent with the best
of the ancient wisdom that has gone before it, it is in many
respects fresh and new. Aivanhov was obviously aware of the penetrating
insights of modern science. He honored this window onto the world
and, by applying his considerable intellect and understanding,
opened this window even further. Unlike many spiritual teachers,
Aivanhov never went around the modern picture of the
universe; he marched straight through it and expanded
it. This is one reason his teachings seems so relevant to our
There are probably more so-called spiritual teachers today
than ever before. The West is flooded with them, and it has been
difficult in many instances to sort out the sage from the scoundrel.
Amid the current supermarket of offerings, the spiritual seeker’s
task of finding a genuine teacher can be daunting. That is one
reason why it is a great honor and privilege to recommend the
teaching presented in this book. It is in a class with few others.
I am frequently asked in lectures and seminars, ‘Who
today is a believable, genuine, spiritual teacher?’ Now
I can answer without hesitation: Encounter Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
and see what happens.” |
“Life and Teaching in France of Master Omraam
Mikhael Aivanhov “ (published in French only)
Prosveta Editions
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is the living personification of the philosophy he teaches. Only someone who has never followed him or heard him speak can fail to recognize in him the ability to enlighten and guide, to empower others, to make them happy and strong. It is enough to be his student to recognize his profound understanding of the science of life and his ability to open before our eyes vast horizons of inconceivable purity. With extraordinary pedagogical and psychological insight, he has the gift of communicating this science, still so widely misunderstood, to all those who long to advance and to learn. His words reach into every aspect of life, detail every category of human activity, and situate each aspect, each activity in its proper place, according to each its true importance. He demonstrates that nature has long since resolved all the problems that continue to trouble human beings and shows us how those solutions differ, sometimes radically, from ours. He shows us the existence of that unique philosophy transmitted from the beginning of time by all of mankind’s most advanced spirits; a philosophy which has nothing in common with those invented by human beings, because it is written into the very forms, colors, orientations and laws of Nature. A Master such as this leads his disciples back to the respect of these laws, to the respect of all that is the work not of man but of the Creator. In this way he shows them how to avoid losing their way and straying onto false paths. In a word, he teaches human beings how to live in the bosom of this cosmos from which they cannot escape.
No university, no esoteric school teaches this science of life. Many are those who insist that we must be virtuous, kind and so on, but there are none to teach us effective ways of achieving these virtues and, above all, there are none to provide us with a living example on which to model ourselves. Even the different established religions fail to give us means based on verifiable facts and scientifically effective ways which would enable us to transform ourselves, to overcome our weaknesses, master our own nature and love our Creator. |
Georg Feuerstein
The Mystery of Light Passage Press

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov was a simple and direct man. Sometimes simplicity and directness are merely the product of lack of sophistication. In Aivanhov’s case; they are the fruit of a wonderful mental lucidity and great personal integrity. He presented even the most complex ideas in a clear and lively manner, and with an unpretentiousness that is deceptive. Our age loves complicated matter. We pride ourselves in being sophisticated, and we generally assume that profound thoughts call for complex expressions: We always wonder whether an opaque thinker might not be incredibly deep. Aivanhov cuts through all this pretense and confusion. His countless talks – he has not written any books – are uniformly simple, lucid, and deep.
Many who have listened to Aivanhov during his nearly fifty years of teaching found him to be too simple and moved on to other, more complicated sounding teachings and philosophies. We discover the depth of his ideas only when we approach his teaching without intellectual snobbery and preconceptions. As the American physician and writer Larry Dossey, M.D. remarked: “A mark of a great spiritual teacher is to convey wisdom of such luminous clarity that it seems genuinely simple – as if we might have known it all along, as if it is innate in everyone: Such a teacher is Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, whose words have the ring of familiarity and truth. In an age that confuses profundity with impenetrable esotericism, Aivanhov is a refreshing discovery.”
There is a traditional story about a somewhat presumptuous aspirant who came to a renowned spiritual teacher for instruction. When the teacher asked him to sweep the floor, the young man hesitated. When the teacher reassured him that this was in fact his teaching; the newcomer sneered and left. He had missed the whole point of the instruction and hence never caught even a glimpse of the teaching that would most certainly have transformed him.
In some respects, reading Aivanhov’s published talks is like sweeping. Many of his ideas sound so familiar that we easily come to the hasty conclusion that we have already moved beyond them. But there is a vast difference between knowing something and living it. Aivanhov’s talks and his exemplary life constantly remind us of this crucial distinction.
As we delve into Aivanhov’s recorded talks, we are humbled by his tremendous depth of understanding. When we follow his thoughts attentively and gradually discover their profundity and beauty, we are touched and transformed by them.” |
Louise-Marie FRENETTE
“The Life of a Master in the
Prosveta New Zealand
Auckland, Australia

“Attentive to the events around him, he explains to young people how to transform themselves before attempting to transform a society that deceives them. He did not forget his own youth filled with overflowing energies and passionate research. As Peter Deunov told him one day, he is the greatest demolisher of old ideas but at the same time, he recognizes the importance of orienting the youth energy toward life and not toward violence and death. One day, he made a comment regarding some liberation movements organised in the United States such as the Hippies - who had chosen for symbol a gesture of peace and love – he stated that they had intuitively sought universal brotherhood and that they were manifestations of the Aquarian Age.
However, if he understands youth, he does not make life any easier for them. Rather, he gives them the means to channel their energies and to manifest their aspirations. Aware of their profound dissatisfaction, he brings them to recognize that the true strength is within themselves, in their capacity to control themselves, to show how noble and great they can be. He encourages them to adapt to the rules of society so they become capable of transforming it from within; he always tells them about the immutable laws that exist between cause and effect. With images, he explains the moral cosmic laws: first, the law of recording which enables nature to keep in memory everything that happens in the world; second, the law of agriculture which defines the results of the work of human beings as they can only reap what they sow; and finally the law of echo which sends them back the words they speak: ‘I hate you’ or ‘I love you”. The same correspondences repeat themselves on a higher level; the negative thoughts that people hold bring unto them toxic things that end up poisoning them. Just as everything is being recorded in nature, their actions are impregnated on their own memory and keep influencing them, torturing them or giving them joy. This is why it is so important for human beings to adopt behaviour capable of creating in them new recordings, new imprints.” |
Louise-Marie FRENETTE
“The Life of a Master
in the
Prosveta US Dist
(California, USA)

Each successive spiritual experience, beginning at the age of six, corresponded to a phase of his awareness of God’s presence in his life. By awakening his desire to be useful to humanity, each new phase brought him also to a new awareness of his friends and family. His enthusiasm, his yearning for perfection and his instinctively fraternal spirit made him long to share with them all the treasures of beauty and light he had glimpsed at the height of those experiences. This concern for others is so strongly present in his life that it must be seen as one of the principal traits of his character.
As one era drew to a close and another – the era of Aquarius – began, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov spoke constantly of brotherhood and love, of light and purity, of all that can help the children of this world to rediscover that they are the sons and daughters of God. The power of his teaching lies in this: it is of primordial importance to transform ourselves, but it is equally important to transform the world into a garden of paradise. Today, men and women, even children, are becoming more aware than ever before of the necessity of helping each other, of becoming one family united in love and peace.
One of the most important aspects of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov’s mission on earth was to lay the foundations of a truly universal human family. His constant themes were brotherly understanding, peace and sharing. He was always trying to make people understand the essential: that peace can be achieved on earth only when genuine brotherhood reigns among human beings. Peace has to reign in our hearts before it can reign in families, individual countries and in the world as a whole.
In a time when so many nations were still at war with each other, when terrorism ravaged whole countries, he continued to insist that it is by establishing peace in our own hearts, in our family and in society that we can achieve peace in the world, because, as he said, there is peace when the microcosm is in harmony with the macrocosm: ‘He who is at peace with himself is at peace with the whole universe.’ |