Women and the future of humanity

She holds a more and more important place in society and very particularly in the West; little by little, she acquires social and political rights. Because of her acknowledged qualities, she is at the forefront of many fields. Is it her turn to dominate, or could there be a better alternative?

Neither man nor woman should be dominating, but each of them should strive to dominate their own area. It is normal for women to want to conquer freedom and the rights that men had deprived them of, but they must try to achieve this by developing the resources of their own nature, and not by imitating men in their way of life, their behaviour, their way of being, etc.
Izvor n° 237, ch IV
For centuries men have been abusing their authority over women; they have been selfish, unjust, violent, cruel, and now, of course, women are waking up. However, they do not awaken with the light, they awaken to take their revenge, which is not any better, even for themselves. Instead, women must forgive men; since they are their mothers, since they have more love than men, since their nature leads them to be good, forgiving, generous, ready to sacrifice themselves, they must not seek revenge. Women must now awaken to greater virtues, to rise above their personal interests.
All the women of the world must unite for a constructive work with men and with the children they give birth to.
Izvor n° 214, ch XII
Women and their creative imagination
… By considering her husband as the manifestation of the heavenly Father, the woman already magically connects him to the heavenly Father. So you don’t think it works? Well, you are mistaken, because at that moment the virtues of the heavenly Father start to flow through the husband, and now this man starts to change, without even knowing why. It is because his wife, by loving him, by telling him: “Oh, you are handsome, you are intelligent, you are wise! “has linked him to the heavenly Father. He may not be any of those things, but these words are in his head and he is making an effort not to disappoint her. And so this woman, who is enlightened, improves herself by making efforts, and at the same time transforms her husband.


 Izvor Collection No. 214, ch. V,II
The collective women
The Kingdom of God, the child of the Cosmic Women

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