The two principles, emissive and receptive

In the philosophy of the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov , the teaching of the two principles, masculine and feminine, hold a central and pivotal position, for being complementary they give birth to life.

His teaching, which echoes the great initiatic doctrines of old, goes back to the revelations that Abraham and Jesus received from the great High Priest, Melchizedek.

Both principles influence all of nature
There are two essential principles in the universe, and they are reflected in all manifestations of life and nature. The whole of creation is the handiwork of these two principles which, for the sake of convenience, we call the “masculine principle” and the “feminine principle”.
(…) If you know the law of polarity and how to use these two principles, masculine and feminine, emissive and receptive, positive and negative, you will be able to solve so many problems!
These two principles exist in each of us, their imprint can be seen everywhere: on our faces, our bodies, our hands… And in nature, flowers, animals, fruits, mountains, rivers, caves, stars… Wherever we look we can see the manifestations of these two principles in countless different shapes and dimensions.
Whether you look on the earth or under the earth, in the depths of the oceans or high in the heavens, you will see everywhere only these two principles at work.


Complete Works, Volume X1V (1976), chap.1
The 2 presides over all manifestations
Creation, therefore is the work of the 2. But what is the 2? It is the 1 polarised into positive and negative, masculine and feminine, active and passive. Manifestation necessarily implies
partition, division. In order to manifest and reveal itself, the 1 has to divide itself. Unity is the privilege of God alone, his own exclusive domain. In order to create, God, the 1, had to become 2. The 1 cannot create, for in unity there is no reciprocity. In becoming polarized, therefore, God projected himself outside himself and from these two poles the universe was born. Positive and negative poles are mutually attractive and it is this mechanism of reciprocal action and reaction that initiates and sustains the movement of life.



Izvor, no. 237, chap. 1
Passivity’ too has power
Understand me well: the masculine principle is defined as ‘active’ and the feminine principle as ‘passive’, but the role of passivity is just as important as that of activity. If the masculine principle provides the content, the feminine principle provides the container, the form, and the form is endowed with a formidable power of attraction. If the feminine principle is said to be passive, it is because this distinguishes it from the active masculine principle. In reality the feminine principle is not inactive; although it appears to be passive, it is extremely effective. Instead of projecting itself forward like the masculine principle, the feminine principle draws things to itself. This is its mode of activity.



Izvor no. 237, chap. IV, IV
Example in daily life
When you take a bucket to a spring, or a well, what are you doing? You are playing the part of the masculine principle; you walk, you move from one place to another, whereas the spring is motionless; it stays where it is. But once you get to it, if you do not switch your polarity, you will be unable to fill your bucket: so at that point you identify with the feminine principle, you become receptive and the bucket is filled. The spring, which is feminine in its immobility, is masculine in its flowing water; and you, you begin by being masculine as you walk towards it, but are also feminine in that you take the empty bucket to be filled. The water flows and fills your bucket and you go away, satisfied.
You will say: ‘But that is too simple, too obvious!’ Yes, but wait for the conclusion which can be drawn from this example.
Complete Works, volume XIV, chap. XV
Take another example: when someone speaks, he or she is emissive and therefore positively polarized, and those who listen, whether male or female, are receptive, and therefore negatively polarized: they receive these words…


    Complete Works XIV, chap.XIV
The meaning of words
 In order to understand the words ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ in relation to the two principles we should not attribute a moral value to them, according to which positive is good and constructive while negative is bad and destructive. No, we must remember that these terms belong primarily to the vocabulary of the physical sciences, to electricity and magnetism: in both we find the polarization into positive and negative, that is to say, emissive and receptive; an electrical connection has two poles; so has a magnet. When we transpose these terms to the realm of the forces of nature
and apply them to the psychic or spiritual planes we apply the word “positive” to the masculine principle, which is emissive, and the word “negative” to the feminine principle which is receptive.


Izvor no. 237. chap. 1
The polarity of the physical world reflects the polarity of the divine world
All that exists on the physical plane was first created on high on the divine plane by the cosmic Spirit and the universal Soul: their fusions and their exchanges fill space with constellations, nebulae, galaxies and beings who dwell in these galaxies. We too we are their creation. And like them, we can create.
                                 Izvor no 237, chap. XVIII
This cosmic Being whom we call God cannot be identified simply as a masculine principle. God is both a masculine and a  feminine entity, for the masculine and the feminine are contained in Him.
                               Synopsis no 2, part VIII, 2, II
The whole of creation is the work of the two principles, masculine and feminine. From the top to the bottom of the universe, the masculine and feminine principles reproduce the activity of the two great creative cosmic principles that we can call “the heavenly Father” and “the divine Mother”. These two fundamental principles are reflected in all the manifestations of nature and life. In order to be fertile, these two principles must necessarily work together; separated, they are unproductive, and they are always on the lookout for each other.
As for man and woman, they are only one of the multiple aspects of these two masculine and feminine principles.
                             Synopsis no 2, part VIII, 2, II

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