All that exists on the physical plane was first created on high on the divine plane by the cosmic Spirit and the universal Soul: their fusions and their exchanges fill space with constellations, nebulae, galaxies and beings who dwell in these galaxies. We too we are their creation. And like them, we can create.
Izvor no 237, chap. XVIII
This cosmic Being whom we call God cannot be identified simply as a masculine principle. God is both a masculine and a feminine entity, for the masculine and the feminine are contained in Him.
Synopsis no 2, part VIII, 2, II
The whole of creation is the work of the two principles, masculine and feminine. From the top to the bottom of the universe, the masculine and feminine principles reproduce the activity of the two great creative cosmic principles that we can call “the heavenly Father” and “the divine Mother”. These two fundamental principles are reflected in all the manifestations of nature and life. In order to be fertile, these two principles must necessarily work together; separated, they are unproductive, and they are always on the lookout for each other.
As for man and woman, they are only one of the multiple aspects of these two masculine and feminine principles.
Synopsis no 2, part VIII, 2, II