On a simple tourist visa to visit the 1937 International Exhibition, he arrived in Paris in July. There, he got in touch with French supporters of the Bulgarian Brotherhood who helped him, particularly Stella Bellemin *. Very quickly he perfected his French and in January 1938 he began to give weekly public lectures, starting with “The Second Birth”, in the Salle du Luxembourg, at Place de la Sorbonne. He introduced himself simply as “Brother Michaël”, a disciple who transmitted and commented on his Master’s teaching. **
His radiance, his joyful spontaneity, his disinterested love attract many listeners from all walks of life and the Parisian occultist movements.
During the five years of war in occupied Paris, Brother Mikhaël saw to it above all that each person he met kept hope, observed the same standards of self-control and integrity, knew how to resist fear, lies, hatred, dishonesty, violence, and despite the difficulties, continued to flourish in brotherly life ***.
Notes :
* SVEZDA, Vie et enseignement en France du Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov,éd. Prosveta, Fréjus, 1992, 246 pages, ISBN : 2-85566-516-7
** GEYRAUD Pierre, L’Occultisme à Paris, éd. Emile-Paul Frères, Paris, 1953, 183 pages
*** Collectif, Enfin nous apercevons une lumière, Prosveta, Fréjus, 2014, 180 pages, ISBN : 978-2-8184-0187-3, p. 32-33
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